Mao (Browser Version)
This game is an online version of the game of Mao. It was made to be very open ended with little restraints to allow for creative rules. It is recommended to play with a group of friends over a call, but there is a built in chat if needed.
Basic Rules for Mao:
1.) The first round the game starts like Uno. (Same suites and numbers can be played on each other) (The game does not enforce these starting rules in case if you want to add base rules of your own)
2.) First person to lose all of their cards wins the round
3.) That winner will come up with a rule to be implemented for the rest of the game (ex: face cards skip)
4.) If someone plays a card when they are not supposed to the rule maker can press the "OUT OF TURN" button. This will make that player take back that card and draw another card.
5.) The game can go on for however many rounds you would like it to.
You can also download the game here:
If you have a bug to report and anything else related to this game send an email to or leave a comment.